5000 Series - Students
- 5001 - Compulsory Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism
- 5002 - Admission of Students
- 5002.1 - Admission of Students who Reside out of the State of Nebraska
- 5003 - Admission of Part Time Students
- 5004 - Option Enrollment
- 5005 - Transportation
- 5006 - Foreign Exchange Students
- 5007 - Enrollment of Expelled Students
- 5008 - Pregnant or Parenting Students
- 5009 - Adult Education
- 5010 - Immunizations
- 5011 - Physical Examination and Visual Evaluation of Students
- 5012 - Testing and Assessment Program
- 5014 - Homeless Students
- 5015 - Protection of Pupil Rights
- 5016 - Student Records
- 5017 - Routine Directory Information
- 5018 - Parent and Guardian Involvement In Education Practices
- 5019 - Communicating with Parents
- 5020 - Rights of Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents
- 5022 - Investigations, Arrests, and Other Student Contact by Law Enforcement and HHS
- 5023 - Student Illness
- 5024 - Medication of Students
- 5025 - Student Insurance
- 5028 - Initiations and Hazing
- 5030 - Dating Violence
- 5031 - Student Appearance
- 5032 - Closed Campus
- 5033 - Student Driving and Parking
- 5034 - Handbooks
- 5035 - Student Discipline
- 5036 - Lockers
- 5037 - Student Internet and Computer Access
- 5039 - Fundraising Activities
- 5040 - Work Permits
- 5041 - Student Government
- 5042 - Bulletin Boards
- 5043 - School-Sponsored Publications
- 5044 - Safe Pupil Transportation
- 5045 - Student Fees
- 5046 - Secret Organizations
- 5048 - Emergency Response to Life Threatening Asthma or Systemic Allergic Reactions
- 5050 - Reporting Related to Exempt (Home) Schools
- 5052 - School Wellness
- 5053 - Self Management of Diabetes or Asthma or Anaphylaxis
- 5054 - Student Bullying
- 5055 - Enrollment in Kindergarten
- 5056 - Free Expression by Students
- 5057 - District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- 5059 - Emergency Medical Treatment
- 5062 - Lice and Nits
- 5064 - Supplement, Not Supplant
- 5065 - Bed Bugs
- 5066 - Early Graduation
- 5067 - Student Assistance Team Process